Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Self Smart" self portraits

During the first two weeks of school I introduce EVERYTHING (rules, procedures, academics) through the lens of Multiple Intelligences.  We focus on a different "smart" each day (body, people, self, music, word, math, nature, and picture/art).  Students identify their strengths and recognize abilities and potential in each of the eight smarts.  In every procedure we practice or activity we participate in, we are constantly identifying ways we can be smart!

Today we focused on intrapersonal intelligence or "self smart."  Self smart kids know their likes and dislikes, have high self-esteem, are independent, and have many interests or hobbies.  

 In Morning Meeting, we did a greeting/sharing combo called "Snowball Fight."  Students folded a piece of paper into four.  On one section they wrote their name.  Then we identified things we love, things we like, and things we dislike.  Students recorded their ideas (sketches) on the remaining three sections of their paper.  We crumpled our papers and threw them into the middle of the circle, shouting, "snowball fight!"  Students open a snowball and greet the friend it belongs to.  We had a "ball" learning about our classmates' likes and dislikes! Download my snowball sheet here.

self smart day, multiple intelligences, gwhizteacher, snowball greeting, morning meeting

One of my favorite self smart books to read is, "I'm Special, I'm Me!" by Ann Meek.  The little boy in the story, Milo, looks into his mirror each day wondering what he can be until he finally finds his own voice and makes his own decision.  After reading this story, I pass out little mirrors to each child.  We draw black crayon outlines of our face and then use watercolors to paint our self portraits.  We read the book The Way I Feel by Janan Cain and discuss the many feelings that self smart kids can identify within themselves.  Students paint their favorite "feeling color" for the background of their self portrait. The finished portraits are absolutely precious!  We will use them in a display at the end of our Multiple Intelligence unit and then save them to display beside our end-of-year self portraits. 
multiple intelligences, gwhizteacher, snowball greeting, i'm special i'm me

iple intelligences, gwhizteacher, self smart self portraits

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