Monday, September 17, 2012

Word Ladder Wipe Offs

My class began our CAFE group and Daily 5 Center rotations today.  It went very well!  I can't wait until things speed up as kids become more familiar with the rotation schedule and the behaviors and tasks for each center or group.  One thing that I really liked about today's rotation was my new Daily Word Ladders wipe off station.  Before my spelling small group chooses a spelling material to work with, they completed a word ladder with a parent volunteer.  To save on paper and copies, I designed a wipe off sheet for them to use.  It worked out fabulously! 

I purchased the Daily Word Ladders book a few years back and LOVE using it with my ESL students to build vocabulary.  Because the program identifies first, middle, and final sounds in words, it builds foundational literacy skills while increasing language.  In addition, it is a great task for parent volunteers to work on with students.  It has a consistent format that kids can easily master while still buidling their skill level. 
Feel free to download my wipe off ladder to use with your students.  I printed seven copies on cardstock and laminated them with my personal laminator.  The kids used skinny expo markers and it worked perfectly!  Enjoy!

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